12 JULY 2016 - Stories are written, truth unravels the ancient

Honestly I don't even know what to say about the title at this point. I've had too many in the past years, it's hard to really figure out how to even begin these things. However, I have to say I am glad that I still am able to log onto this blog and write about my days. It's nice and to be honest relaxing. 
So, what has been happening? It's summer and the windbreeze is cooling, almost too cooling today but I cannot complain since it has been times when it is too hot to bare. Saga is taking a shower right now, so I thought I would take some time to those this. Right before I was writing a story, or should I say a continuing memory I think from a past life. I am not for certain however, so right now I don't know what to say it is. 
We'll head out for a nightwalk however and that I am looking forward to. There's a lot to look forward to. I cannot wait to finally have my arms around my beautiful mate. I miss him so much. I know that when that day comes soon hopefully, I will be the happiest girl alive. Because after searching for him for all these years, we've finally found our way back to one another. It is is amazing if you ask me. 
I'm still struggling however, like always the depression is a pain in the ass and there are times throughout the days that I just cannot take it, but having Saga and her fiance pushing me through it, it means a lot to me. I cannot thank them enough and I am glad to have the three of them. I'm grateful we got eachother and that is very meaningful to me. 
I also have been bothered about the fact I do not have photoshop anymore or a way to edit my pictures, until I looked back on my older posts and found out I had used this photoediting site for free, which is actually really good. I mean the writing stamp isn't the best, but it's better than nothing at least. So now I can finally make my pictures a little more liveful. At least whenever I'm using Saga's computer that is. 

2 JULY 2016 - Life is moving

Hey, it has been a while since I last went on my blog and I figured I would write something on it, after such a long time. 
So, what has been happening? To sum it up, it has been much of a roller coaster in my life. Depression always ruining things and pretty much sticking onto me like super glue. On the other hand I now actually have a goal I will strive for and a dream I'm going to go for, simply put it. Yes, life sucks at certain times more than others but I now have found a reason to keep going. I'm just praying I will not lose that. I hope that now for once I will have my happily ever after, no matter how hard things may be as long as it'd be worth it. 
I've found the one who is my twin flame. If you don't know what that is, look it up. Eitherway, I just wish to never have to lose him or them. I feel there's a purpose for me and destiny I must fulfill. 
You always had me wrapped around your paw ❤️
I found a four leaf clover x 

7 MAJ 2012 - I don't want to lose you..

If I lose you, the sun will be gone..
All weather I'll ever have, is rain and thunderstorms..
The sound of your voice, will always be in my memory..

I love you..


30 SEPTEMBER 2011 - Gravity...


29 SEPTEMBER 2011 - No, you don't say


19 SEPTEMBER 2011 - Where, where, where?

Sometimes, you just want to give up..

22 AUGUSTI 2011 - We said it wasn't anything wrong..

Skogen, ställte du alltid kan gå till om du behöver lugn och ro..
Tystheten runt omkring och fåglarna som kvittrar..
Du får en känsla av avslappning in kroppen på något sätt..

Jag brukar alltid fota vid detta tillfälle.

15 AUGUSTI 2011 - I do not know what to do anymore..

I'm trapped in a path with no end..
Will I ever get free..?

If you're not here, what am I supposed to do?

11 AUGUSTI 2011 - It's okay to feel, no matter what..

Sometimes I don't know which way to go, or how to do it..
I sit and wonder, listening to all the sounds around me..
Inside of me I'm empty..
Is it anyone that can see me?

9 AUGUSTI 2011 - It's the storm in your eyes..

5 AUGUSTI 2011 - Bilder, säger mer än tusen ord...

3 AUGUSTI 2011 - Vart har du försvunnit?


"I wish you were here, me oh my country man.."

There is an open space, a massive lake and roads to chose..
But I am waiting for you, because I won't go alone..

1 AUGUSTI 2011 - I'm ready now, I won't wait for the afterlife...


19 JULI 2011 - Pictures at the memories that are lost in all the darkness..

Fotograf: Ajka Redzic ©

Where is the world ahead to?
This is disgusting and irresponsible..

5 JULI 2011 - Vart jag än vänder mig, hittar jag inte vägen..

Vart borde jag leta och hur kan jag veta säkert att det är åt rätt håll?
Ibland vet jag inte vem jag ska lyssna på eller vems ord som är sanning och vems som är lögner..
Allt jag vill är att någon förstår och inte tar mig för givet..

Jag har känslor och känner saker, precis som alla andra..

Vem kan jag egentligen lita på?

30 JUNI 2011 - Grönska


Tillsammans klarar vi alla hinder !

22 JUNI 2011 - A poem of mine..

I try to understand why, why ?
I can't see any road anymore.
My pain, the pain, feels like I drown.
Can't someone see ?
I try to explain, but nobody listen.
I'm tired of waiting.
I ask my self, what should I do ?
Wishing for my dream to come true.
Cause it's the only thing I want.
Nothing to lose, I won't give up.
You can't stop me, you can't break my sprit.
I won't give up, somehow it's worth to trying.
My soul is empty, and I can't almost cry.
Hidden bruises in my heart, it's nothing you'll see on the outside.
Not that I'm letting you in, if you don't show me..
That I can trust you.
Too many times, of people lying.
They saying they will be there forever.
Just a lie !
I hate to feel so numb.
Please, make my dream come true.
And I won't ever regret what I wished for.
Will I ever feel the feeling of real happines and relif ?


10 JUNI 2011 - "Green is the colour of life.."


7 JUNI 2011 - Sommar,sommar & sol


Pengar kan inte köpa lycka. Även om du har allting i världen, är det inget roligt om du inte har vänner & världens bästa familj vid din sida..

31 MAJ 2011 - Heaven is a place on earth


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