16/11 - Wa sa fanura Jameia
This song is pure epicness!
Was sa fanura…. Jameia, Jameia x 4
If you can bring me down
Then you can bring me up
Don’t make me feel alone
Let’s party on and on
If you can bring me down
Then you can bring me up
Don’t make me feel alone
I want oh, oh, oh
What do I feel when you making me ill
You’re a drug, you making me strong
There’s no time to stay
We can start it today
You’re my love, you are my love
Was so fun…. Jameia, Jameia x 4
If you can bring me down
Then you can bring me up
Don’t make me feel alone
Let’s party on and on
If you can bring me down
Then you can bring me up
Don’t make me feel alone
I want oh, oh, oh
Was sa fanura…. Jameia, Jameia x 4
If you can bring me down
Then you can bring me up
Don’t make me feel alone
Let’s party on and on
If you can bring me down
Then you can bring me up
Don’t make me feel alone
I want oh, oh, oh
What do I feel when you making me ill
You’re a drug, you making me strong
There’s no time to stay
We can start it today
You’re my love, you are my love
Was so fun…. Jameia, Jameia x 4
If you can bring me down
Then you can bring me up
Don’t make me feel alone
Let’s party on and on
If you can bring me down
Then you can bring me up
Don’t make me feel alone
I want oh, oh, oh
Was sa fanura…. Jameia, Jameia x 4
10/3 - 2012 - A life without you, wouldn't be possible'
Woaah, it's been a while since I wrote anything here. I need to say, I just have no motivation for blogging I guess. But I told myself that this summer I will start again, also with my photographing. I love to take photos, but after going through a long period with darkness. I just lost it all, but this time I'm gonna be strong.
All of a sudden I started to listen to Miley again, but I don't complain ^_^ She's cool!
21 SEPTEMBER 2011 - Slow me down, playlist..
14 SEPTEMBER 2011 - You don't admit that you're hurt..
4 SEPTEMBER 2011 - Ingenting är som det ska
Sometimes you can feel very low..
And when nothing seems to matter, where there is no point in trying..
I'm still living, living to find you..
3 SEPTEMBER 2011 - On my way to find you..
En bra cover enligt mig :)
20 AUGUSTI 2011 - Black birds in the sky..
It hurts, like knives to not how you around..
To wake up and realize, all that's left of you all..
Are my memories..
I'm in devistation, but one day..
Maybe I can look back and smile..
Because after all, you gave me happiness..
I'll never forget any of you..
19 AUGUSTI 2011 - Haunting shadows
Den här låten får mig att tänka på hur någon är jagad i en skog, springer och springer ifrån svarta skuggor. Medan de sedan faller och dunsar ner till marken, för att se sig omkring. Något är ute efter dem, dock har vi ingen anning om vad eller vem. Utan det är något, mystiskt och farligt..
Riktigt bra låt, bra att lyssna till om du är ute och promenerar och vill känna lite spänning inombords ^__^
14 AUGUSTI 2011 - If I don't use it, it will kill me more..
"Be careful Damon, so I don't start think you actually care.."
8 AUGUSTI 2011 - Horses of the unseen..
I completely love this song and video! :)
6 AUGUSTI 2011 - Memories are lost in the sea of death..
31 JULI 2011 - Vägen går, men vart leder den?
25 JULI 2011 - I wanted a family, they just didn't want me..
24 JULI 2011 - I want to have a hand to hold onto, in the jungel of darkness..
Trust me in this, just take my hand and we'll know the way..
Nu är det såhär att jag skriver det här inlägget exakt den 7 maj 2012 kl 13.48, men jag ville inte låta dagar stå tomma. Och på det sättet är det här inlägget publicerat med 22 Juli 2011 som dautum..
20 JULI 2011 - Yes, music is a way to cope through life..
No where to be find..
I dreamed I had nothing at all, staring on an empty space and no air around me..
Tears that turned into blood and knives into my heart..
18 JULI 2011 - There wasn't anywhere to go..
Looking at the sky tonight, wondering what life is all about..
Where should I go, which choices are the best ones?
Why am I even living, when it all feels this hopeless..
I wish you were here..
Where are you?
Will I ever find you?
Btw, I really like Keane! :))
"And I try something, I wasn't sure of.."
17 JULI 2011 - Somewhere Only We Know..
I thought this song was pretty awesome and I wanted to share it with you all :)
Have a good day (Y)
14 JULI 2011 - Songs that touch you're heart..
First time I've heard this songs, I could feel sadness. They are realy good to listen to and I get many memories of them.
The last song is more touching for me. Because somehow I recognize my self in it.
But I won't lose hope, I will never stop believing that it will happen.
Must have faith ! And I will that to.
It's gonna happen and I'm gonna be so happy and be a apart of what I want.
And for once in my life, I found someone like me..
I know I can trust you till the end.
10 JULI 2011 - Relaxing music..
Avslappnande musik är väldigt bra för själen brukar de säga..
Och jag håller faktiskt med om det..